3 home remedies that you should avoid at all cost

   Whenever someone gets hurt or injured, the first thing they do is turn to home remedies for instant relief. They are safe, easy and have been in use for a long time. Moreover, they have minimum side-effects. But not every home remedy is worth trying, sometimes it can make the situation even worse. Here are three ancient home remedies that you should avoid at all cost.

Don't use butter to treat a burn

As per old wives' tale, it is good to use butter if you burn your hand with an iron or hot plate. It is said that spreading butter on the burn helps to ease the pain and provides instant relief. But this is really not a good idea. In fact, applying butter on the burn can cause infection and promote the growth of bacteria in the area.

Instead of doing this, run the burn under cool water for some time. This will help to remove the heat and stop skin damage.

Don't use a tourniquet in case of excessive bleeding

Using tourniquet in case of bleeding is not a sane option. Earlier, it was considered good to tie your hand in case of bleeding. But as per a recent study, doing this increases the chance of tissue damage or even worse you may have to lose your limb. Applying direct pressure on the wound is a better way to reduce the flow of blood in the area. Place a clean cloth on the wound and press firmly. Keep it like that for a while. This will stop the bleeding and promote the flow of blood throughout the body.

Don't apply any type of chemical on your cut

Applying chemicals containing alcohol can be harmful to the skin and delay the healing process. When we apply chemicals on the wound it is not only cleaning the area, but also killing the healthy cells. Rather you should first rinse the wound. It is a much simpler way to clean the injury. Running the wound through cold water will help you to get rid of debris and bacteria. After this, you can apply an antibacterial ointment.

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