Pubg Mobile-Update

    PUBG Mobile 1.0 update brings a “new era” to the game and will make its way to players on September 8, the developers announced Monday, August 24, through a press release. The 1.0 update brings a host of improvements and changes including new tech, new UX, new gameplay features, and more. Along with the new update, PUBG Mobile also announced the PUBG MOBILE Global Championship (PMGC) esports event with a prize pool of $2 million (roughly Rs. 14.82 crores) that will start late in November.


The developers said that PUBG Mobile will be completely overhauled to offer “the most authentic and immersive experience on mobile,” with the 1.0 update. It brings improvements to the characters, environments both in-game and lobby, and gunfights. The team has worked on particles, smoke muzzle flashes, air blasts, and scope interaction to give it a more realistic feel. Actions such as parachuting, throwing, and sprinting have been optimised as well.

Additionally, the models and texture quality, and lighting systems have been improved to add more realism to the sky, water, and vegetation. The UI for PUBG Mobile has been tweaked to make it easy on the eyes, the developers point out. This includes interactions, visuals, motions, and the quality of sound effects. A multi-screen switching mode will be added as well, as an exclusive to PUBG Mobile. Games, community, and purchases have been separated into three spaces for easier navigation.

While there was no mention of Erangel 2.0 or a revamped Erangel, the team did state that “a much-anticipated surprise” will be revealed soon.


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